Houchang Haghighi Scholarship Endowment

The Houchang Haghighi Scholarships seeks to recognize a student that demonstrates a commitment to community service by working or volunteering at least twenty-five (25) hours per academic year with the elderly population, preferably at a local facility in the borough of Queens. Students must also maintain a cumulative GPA of 2.7 or above for at least two (2) semesters.

Award amounts vary
​Student Affairs 718-997-5500
Supplemental Questions
  1. Do you currently or previously have within the academic year worked or volunteered with the elderly community?
  2. Where did you conduct your work or volunteer hours? Please provide the name, location, and any other pertinent information.
  3. Please list the total number of hours you either worked or volunteered with the elderly community during the last academic year.
  4. Please upload a letter of recommendation from an organization or individual that can verify your involvement with the elderly community. The letter must be on letterhead, signed, indicate the approximate number of hours you volunteered/worked with the community, and clarify if you received compensation.
  5. Please provide the contact information for two (2) references. One reference must be a Queens College staff or faculty member.
    • 1) Reference #1 - Please provide their full name.
    • 2) Reference #1 - Please describe their relationship to you.
    • 3) Reference #1 - Please provide their email address.
    • 4) Reference #1 - Please provide their phone number.
    • 5) Reference #2 - Please provide their full name.
    • 6) Reference #2 - Please describe their relationship to you.
    • 7) Reference #2 - Please provide their email address.
    • 8) Reference #2 - Please provide phone number.
  6. Please type a short paragraph about yourself. Be sure to include any extracurricular information (campus clubs, student government, peer tutoring, publications, interests, hobbies, etc.), volunteer work, employment and plans for after graduation (job, graduate or professional school):
  7. Provide a single essay with detailed answers to the following questions. Your essay should total no more than 500 words.
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