Forbes I. Hill Scholarship Endowment Fund

A partial or full scholarship of a junior or senior majoring in Media Studies. The scholarship will be based on merit with the student demonstrating strong academic achievements. The scholarship will be awarded in the Spring at a ceremony that the College conducts. The Chairman of the Media Studies Department will identify students based on faculty recommendations and evaluations. A final discussion and decision by consensus or vote will be made by the Department’s Personnel & Budget Committee. The Hill family (the “Family”) shall be consulted before the final decision is made and the award granted and will be informed of the final decision. The funds are to be used to pay a student’s tuition and will be credited to the student’s account. If the student leaves before completing the full year of academic work, the funds will be returned to the scholarship account and the family notified. The Family will, in general, be kept informed about the status of the Scholarship and the Fund at a minimum of once a year.

Award amounts vary
Media Studies Dept. 718-997-2950